Pokemon Infinite Fusion Walkthrough

Explore the world of Pokemon Infinite Fusion with our easy-to-follow walkthrough! This guide will help you complete battles, explore cities, and overcome challenges as you play. While the game offers many paths to choose from, following our guide will save you time and energy. Stick to our recommended order to get the most out of the game and enjoy a smooth journey from start to finish.

Pokemon Infinite Fusion Walkthrough

Pokémon Infinite Fusion Walkthrough: Your Ultimate Guide to Starting the Adventure

Pallet Town: The Journey Begins

Start your journey in Pallet Town. In your bedroom, you can access the PC to withdraw a helpful Potion for your first battle. After heading downstairs, your mom will give you a letter confirming your acceptance into the Pokémon League and your Trainer Card. This is where you also pick a name for your rival.

When you step outside, your rival announces that he was also accepted. He mentions Professor Oak, who will soon give both of you your first Pokémon when he returns from Viridian City. As you attempt to leave, Oak escorts you to his lab, where you select your starter Pokémon. Your rival will take the remaining Pokémon and fuse them, then challenge you to your first battle.

After this, Oak will send you on a mission to Viridian City to retrieve a package from the PokéMart. Before leaving Pallet Town, visit your rival’s sister to get a map and speak to his mom, who offers the option to rename your rival.

Route 1: Heading to Viridian City

On Route 1, you’ll meet a helpful PokéMart employee who gives you a Potion. Lass Mimi is also nearby for a quick battle with her Pidgey. Make sure to explore the tall grass to find an Oran Berry.

Viridian City: Collect Oak’s Parcel

Your first stop should be the PokéCenter to heal your team. Next, head to the PokéMart to pick up Oak’s Parcel and receive a free DNA Splicer. However, you can’t proceed north just yet due to a drunk man blocking the way. Return to Pallet Town to deliver Oak’s Parcel. He’ll reward you with five PokéBalls and the Pokédex. Now, you can finally head back to Viridian City, where the northern route is clear.

Before you go, Oak’s assistant will gift you two more PokéBalls if you talk to him.

Route 2: Optional Rival Battle & Secret Garden

Though optional, heading west to Route 22 is worth it. Here, you can battle your rival to unlock the Secret Garden, which is filled with rare items and Pokémon. Battling other trainers along this route will also reward you with Potions and berries. You’ll need to defeat all eight gym leaders to enter the Pokémon League, so this is a good place to prepare.

Viridian Forest: Bug-Type Battles Await

Moving north through Route 2, you’ll find Viridian Forest, known for its abundance of bug-type Pokémon. You’ll encounter several trainers willing to battle and even trade their Pokémon. Winning multiple battles can earn you valuable experience and even trigger evolutions in their teams. Don’t miss the hidden items scattered around, including Potions and Pecha Berries.

Pewter City: First Gym Battle

Once you’ve made it through the forest, Pewter City is your next stop. Here, you’ll face Brock, the city’s Gym Leader, in your first official gym battle. The Pewter City Gym specializes in Rock-type Pokémon, so prepare your team accordingly. Winning this battle rewards you with the Boulder Badge, the TM39 (Rock Tomb), and a Wonder Trade Ticket.

Cerulean City: Battle Misty for the Cascade Badge

After defeating Brock, head toward Cerulean City. Here, you’ll face Misty, the Water-type Gym Leader, in another challenging battle. Her gym is the second on your journey to completing your Trainer Card. Winning grants you the Cascade Badge and TM55 (Water Pulse). Don’t forget to visit the Nugget Bridge and Route 24 for extra quests and rewards, like the PokéRadar.

Exploring Further: Route 25, Bill’s Lighthouse, and More

Route 25 offers several more trainer battles and the opportunity to help Bill, who accidentally fused himself with a Pokémon. Helping Bill rewards you with the S.S. Anne Cruise Ticket, which is crucial for progressing to Vermillion City.

Vermillion City: S.S. Anne & HM Cut

In Vermillion City, you’ll find the S.S. Anne, a ship where you can earn valuable items and, most importantly, HM01 Cut. This ability is essential for entering the Vermillion Gym, where you’ll face Lt. Surge, the Electric-type Gym Leader. Defeating Surge grants you the Thunder Badge and lets you continue your adventure.

Vermillion Gym

The Vermillion Gym is the third gym that trainers must defeat in their quest to complete the Trainer’s card. Lt. Surge is the Gym Leader, specializing in Electric-type Pokémon. Upon defeating him, the player earns the Thunder Badge and a TM, allowing further progress in the main storyline.

Gym Layout and Puzzle

At the entrance, a man provides the player with Fresh Water and some advice about the Electric-type focus of the gym. The gym also features a puzzle involving trash bins and hidden switches. To unlock the path to Lt. Surge, the player needs to find two switches hidden in the trash cans:

  1. The first switch is randomly placed, and once found, the second switch will always be in an adjacent bin.
  2. If the player chooses the wrong adjacent bin, both switches will reset, and the player must start again.

The gym also includes three other trainers, all of whom are optional but recommended to battle before attempting the puzzle.

Lt. Surge’s Battle

The player can only use three Pokémon in the battle against Lt. Surge. His Electric-type team is fast and can deal substantial damage with Electric attacks, so it’s recommended to bring Ground-type Pokémon, which are immune to Electric moves.


Upon defeating Lt. Surge, the player receives:

  • The Thunder Badge
  • TM73 Thunder Wave
  • Two Wonder Trader Tickets

After the battle, when the player leaves the gym, a scientist outside gifts HM07 Teleport and explains the availability of the Fossil Resurrection Machine in Pewter City. Additionally, a Hiker in the southeast corner of Vermillion City will offer a Blue Flute.

Quick Travel with Teleport

Teaching a Pokémon Teleport allows the player to quickly travel to any previously visited town or Pokémon Center, similar to the fast travel mechanic in the game. Later on, the player will unlock new quick travel methods.

Optional Objectives – Diglett’s Cave and Cut

Diglett’s Cave

The Diglett’s Cave is an optional area that connects Vermillion City to Route 2. By traversing the cave, the player can access areas that were previously blocked by small trees.

Pewter City

Back in Pewter City, the player can explore new areas and engage in various activities:

  • Trading: A hiker near the cave entrance offers to trade his Mr. Mime for an Abra.
  • Mushroom Items: A maid in the house can make items from mushrooms.
  • Cutting Trees: The player can cut the small tree by the house to reach Pewter City’s Fossil Resurrection Machine, which can now be used to revive fossils collected earlier in the game.
  • New Quests: A new NPC near the museum can be challenged to a battle and will give the player Bricks if they accepted the “Building Materials” quest in Vermillion City.

Exploring with Cut

Using Cut opens up many new areas and side quests, such as:

  • Celadon City: Unlock hidden pathways and items like TM54 False Swipe and a Water Stone.
  • Route 2: Help an old man cut a tree to receive Lemonade and Shears, another HM replacement for Cut.
  • Pokémon Daycare: Access the Pokémon Daycare on Route 5 to collect items like Destiny Knot and Rose Incense, as well as Pokémon Eggs from the daycare’s nanny.

Additional Rewards

Players can also find numerous hidden items and battle new trainers across various routes. For example:

  • Route 9: Collect a Thunder Stone, TM51 Ally Switch, and other useful items after battling the trainers.
  • Route 10: Visit the Power Plant and pick up TM57 Charge Beam.
  • Rock Tunnel: Complete battles, find hidden items like Repel, TM47 Low Sweep, and Max Revive, and trade with NPCs for Pokémon with special moves.

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Fuchsia City

Fuchsia City is a vibrant hub for Pokémon trainers, featuring essential accommodations like a two-story PokéCenter, a PokéMart, and a hotel. Key highlights of this city include:

  • Elderly Woman with Musharna: In the house left of the PokéCenter, an elderly woman has a sleeping Musharna that reveals which zones have Pokémon with Hidden Abilities.
  • Janine’s House: On the right side of the hotel, you’ll find Janine’s house, where she offers to trade her Gligar for a Golbat.
  • Hotel Services: The hotel has a backyard where a lady can groom one of your Pokémon each day.
  • Flute Hiker: Located in the zoo, between the Munna and bug cages, this hiker offers a special flute.
  • Safari Zone: The entrance to the Safari Zone is at the end of the zoo, providing a unique opportunity to catch rare Pokémon.
  • Experience Points: On the second floor of the East Terminal for Route 15, an assistant of Professor Oak rewards players with an Exp. All item for fusing at least 20 Pokémon.

Safari Zone

The Safari Zone is a special location to catch rare Pokémon. Unlike traditional battles, you catch Pokémon by throwing rocks and bait, using only the Safari Balls provided. Upon entry, you receive 30 Safari Balls but must exit once they are all used or after taking 600 steps.

On your first visit, focus on obtaining HM03 Surf, located deep within Area 4 of the Safari Zone. To save Safari Balls, try to capture Pokémon only on your way to the HM and avoid distractions.

Fuchsia Gym

Fuchsia City’s gym is the fifth stop on your Trainer’s card journey. To earn the Soul Badge and a TM, you must defeat Koga, the gym leader.

  • Gym Overview: Upon entering, you’ll receive a Fresh Water and some basic information about the Poison-type gym.
  • Trainers: The gym features six trainers, most of whom can be avoided if desired.
  • Maze Puzzle: Navigate through a maze with invisible walls by finding the right window to reach Koga efficiently.

When battling Koga, you’ll only be allowed four Pokémon in your team. After defeating him, you’ll earn the Soul Badge, TM06 Toxic, and two Wonder Trader Tickets. A Hiker near the café also gives you a Yellow Flute.

Optional Objectives – Strength

This section provides optional objectives to help your journey with additional items.

Route 13: Near the junction with Route 14, two large boulders hide a Hyper Potion. A Black Belt here asks you to use Strength to move his Rhyhorn to the beach tower in exchange for the HM Replacement Item Dolly.

Route 4: On Route 4, you can find a second cave entrance south of Mt. Moon. Beyond the boulders are stairs leading to TM96 Moonblast in the upper section of Mt. Moon Square.

Route 24: On Route 24, behind some boulders between Nugget Bridge and Route 25, you can find TM19 Telekinesis.

Marsh Badge and Occupied Saffron City

After disrupting Team Rocket’s operations in Celadon Sewers, you’ll find the grunts blocking Saffron City have disappeared, allowing you to access the city freely.

Saffron City is currently occupied by Team Rocket, with their members taking over the PokéMart, Hotel, Restaurant, and Gym. Key items to find include a Max Revive and TM63 Embargo. Use the PokéCenter, challenge the Fighting Dojo, and save Silph Co. Head Office.

Fighting Dojo

In the Fighting Dojo, you’ll encounter six Black Belt and Crush Girl trainers. Defeating the leader will reward you with a Pokémon of your choice: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop.

Silph Co. Head Office

Team Rocket has taken control of the Silph Co. Head Office, an 11-story building with a warp panel system. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Warp Panels: These colored tiles will teleport you around the building. You can only reach the president’s office, where Giovanni holds the president hostage, through a warp panel.
  • Team Rocket Grunts: Most grunts here use Pokémon like Golbats, Arboks, and Weezings. Be prepared for battles!
  • Healing Infirmaries: Two infirmaries are located on the 8th and 9th floors where you can heal your Pokémon.
  • Card Key: Large sliding doors require a Card Key to open. The sooner you find it, the quicker you can loot the building.

Collect various items and rescue employees throughout the building:

  • 2F: Rescue a scientist for Stardust.
  • 3F: Find an Elixir and Hyper Potion.
  • 4F: Grab TM107 Play Rough, Full Heal, Full Restore, and Protein, along with hidden DNA Splicers.
  • 5F: Collect TM92 Trick Room and Ultra Balls.
  • 6F: Find Carbos and Rare Candy.
  • 7F: Discover HP Up and Super Potion.
  • 8F: Grab an X Defense.
  • 10F: A storage room contains valuable items, including an Elixir and Quick Ball.

After defeating your rival before the president’s office, you will face Giovanni in a double battle. Upon victory, Team Rocket retreats, and the president rewards you with a Johto starter Pokémon. You can also obtain a Master Ball from the newly active warp tile in the president’s office.

Saffron City

With Team Rocket gone, Saffron City is fully accessible. It offers:

  • PokéCenter and PokéMart: Standard accommodations for trainers.
  • Collector: In the PokéCenter, a collector buys Comet Shards at a good price.
  • Condominiums: Various items, including a Lava Cookie and Shiny Stone.
  • Restaurant: Daily Fancy Meals from the waitress.
  • Police Station: A Life Orb is given as a reward for defeating Team Rocket.

Explore activities available during the night, including a secret bar and quests involving the Copycat girl.

Saffron Gym

The Saffron Gym is the sixth gym you’ll encounter. Defeating Sabrina, the leader, grants you the Marsh Badge and TM03 Psyshock.

  • Gym Details: At the entrance, receive a Fresh Water and gym info; this gym specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon.
  • Warp Tiles: Navigate through warp tiles for a direct route to Sabrina.

Defeating Sabrina will reward you with the Marsh Badge and allow you to buy unlimited Wonder Tickets.

Optional Objectives – Brief Travel to Johto

From the Train Station in Saffron City, you can buy a ticket to Johto’s Goldenrod City, which has familiar accommodations like a PokéCenter and PokéMart, along with unique features:

  • Department Store: Buy evolution stones not available in Celadon.
  • PokéBall Workshop: Swap Poké Balls for a fee.
  • Underground Shops: Discover items that change depending on the time of day.
  • Stone Maniac: Collect various evolution stones based on the time of day.

Route 35 and Route 36 feature trainers and items like Nuggets and PP Maxes. National Park offers additional battles and rewards, while Route 34 provides trainers and a Pokémon Egg.

Ilex Forest: Access to Ilex Forest will be blocked by trees until the situation is resolved.

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Pokémon Infinite Fusion: League Rematches and Pokédex Completion

Pokémon League Rematch

This section assumes you have already completed the events in Mt. Silver.

Now it’s time to take on the Elite Four once more! They may have the same Pokémon as before, but don’t underestimate them—they’ve all gained about 20 levels since your last encounter. Just like before, your rival will step in as the Acting Pokémon Champion, and be prepared: they will use more Full Restores during the battle.

Vermillion’s Fighting Arena

This section assumes you have completed the events in Mt. Silver and finished the quest for Building Materials.

In Vermillion City, the construction site is now complete, and the Fighting Arena is open! However, when you first enter, you’ll find it empty. To fill the arena, you need to convince the previous Gym Leaders to join the fun. Each Gym Leader is located in different areas, including Kanto, Johto, and the Sevii Islands, and they will only appear at specific times of day—Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Night.

Once you successfully persuade a Gym Leader to participate, you can challenge them to a rematch once a day. They will come prepared with a full team of six Pokémon, with Kanto leaders around level 70 (late 70s on Hard mode) and Johto leaders in the mid-80s (early 90s on Hard mode).

For more details, check out our guide on Gym Leader rematches.

After you defeat all sixteen Gym Leaders, you can challenge the Elite Four again, and their Pokémon levels will increase by about 15 levels!

Pokédex Completion

In Celadon City, visit the condominium where the Game Developer resides. If you manage to catch all 470 Base Pokémon, he will reward you with the Magic Boots, granting you access to Debug Mode.

As of August 2023, it has been announced that new Pokémon will be added to Pokémon Infinite Fusion. As a result, the number of Base Pokémon required to obtain the Magic Boots may increase, so expect around 440-450 for the new total.

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