Pokemon Infinite Fusion Mac – Download

Want to play Pokémon Infinite Fusion on your Mac? You’re in the right place! This guide will walk you through the official installation process for Mac devices. Follow easy steps below to get started.

pokemon infinite fusion for mac

Pokemon Infinite Fusion1.8 GBDownloadDownload

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

as a first step: requirement

Check Your macOS Version

  • Your Mac must be running macOS 14.5 Sonoma or later (up to 15.0 Sequoia).
  • If your macOS is outdated, update it before proceeding.
  • Tip: After updating, restart your Mac (use the “Restart” option, not “Shut Down”).

Performance Note for M2 Macs

  • Some M2 Mac users report performance issue due to Wine compatibility and will require future updates to fix.
    Pokemon Infinite Fusion Mac - Download

    Step 1: pokemon infinite fusion download mac

    • Download the game from the links provided above.
    • The file is now in .zip format (no longer .rar).

    Step 2: Install Un-archiver

    Uninstall HomeBrew and Wine (If Installed)

    • Uninstall Homebrew:
      This will uninstall Homebrew
      /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/uninstall.sh)”
    • Uninstall Wine:
      Move Wine Stable from Applications to > Trash.

    Step 4: Install Homebrew

    Paste this command in Terminal (it’s one line):

    /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL

    Uninstall Homebrew

    Step 5: Set Up Homebrew Variables

    After installing Homebrew, the Terminal will display specific commands to run.

     Setup Homebrew Variables
    • Copy then paste the command exactly as shown.
    • Note: Commands vary depending on your Mac year , model, OS version.

    First Command:

    • Copy and paste the entire line starting with echo and ending with >>.
    • 2nd Command will be: eval “$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)”

    If the Terminal says “Run brew help”, you’re good to go! No need to copy or paste anything else.

    If this Error: no such file or directory: /opt/homebrew/bin/brew
    This means you’re using an older Intel Mac.
    You need to replace the commands for Step 2-3.1 to use

    eval “$(/usr/local/bin/brew shellenv)” 

    Homebrew Path

    • For Apple Silicon Macs (M1/M2):
      Paste this command export PATH=”/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH”

    For Intel Macs:
    Paste this command instead: export PATH=”/usr/local/bin:$PATH”

    Homebrew Path

    Homebrew for Wine 

    Paste this command:

    brew tap homebrew/cask-versions

    As of 5/06/24: This step seems to be skippable. If you get the message: homebrew/cask-versions was deprecated. This tab is now empty and all its contents were either deleted or migrated., go to step 5.

    IF you are getting `brew not found` error:

    Try this 1st

    • echo ‘eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)’ >> ~/.zshrc
    • source ~/.zshrc

    If the above says not found, try this:

    • echo ‘eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)’ >> $HOME/.zprofile
    • source ~/.zprofile

    As mentioned above, Mac Models are all different, so the same command won’t work for all models.


    5. Install Wine 

    Command to paste:

    brew install –cask –no-quarantine wine-stable

    Now if facing the message: Error: It looks like there is already a Binary at ‘/opt/homebrew/bin/appdb’.

    1. So go here: /opt/homebrew/bin/
      1. Open finder
      2. Press command + shift + g
      3. Paste in /opt/homebrew/bin/
    1. Delete everything except brew and rerun #5

    If you get this error: Error: wine-stable: It seems the App source ‘/Applications/Wine Stable.app’ is not there

    1. brew uninstall –force wine-stable
    • If uninstall gives an error that says it isn’t there or definition is invalid, that’s good.
    1. rm -r “$(brew –prefix)/Caskroom/wine-stable”
    2. brew install –force wine-stable

    If you getting an error that Wine is not compatible with your OS, you need to upgrade the OS or install WineSkin without Wine. Skip to Step 7.

    If you get the error `requires Rosetta 2 to be installed` paste the command it gives you


    6. Run the Game.exe with Wine 

    Right click Game.exe and Open With Wine Stable

    If you see any warnings, simply click Cancel. These warnings appear because we’re using a workaround to run the game on Mac, which causes the publisher to be flagged as ‘Unverified.’ This is normal and won’t affect the game.

    Where Are Save Files Stored?

    1. Open finder
    2. Press command + shift + g
    3. Replace YOURNAME with the name of your Mac User in the path below:
      1. /Users/YOURNAME/.wine/drive_c/users/YOURNAME/AppData/Roaming/infinitefusion
    1. Paste it into Finder and Press Enter
    2. This is where your save files are stored and you can move other save files you have here
